First make Rejuvelac by sprouting one cup of organic wheat berries (this is done by soaking the wheat overnight rinsing them in the morning and leaving them to sprout in a jar covered with a piece of mousseline tied to the neck of the jar- best to leave the jar turned upside down on a perforated mat or draining basket so that the air can circulate-keep the berries moist).

After 3 days the wheat should have sprouted cover the sprouted berries with filtered/mineral water (no chlorine) and let stand at room temperature for a further 2-3 days. This should start a natural fermentation going from the bacteria/natural yeast in the air and on the wheat. This makes an excellent source of probiotic and a starter for (nut) yogurt. It should smell sour but pleasant.

The nut yogurt is made by blending 1 cup of almonds or cashew nuts with 1 cup of the Rejuvelac water. Let it stand at room temperature for a further 24hours. Keep refrigerated after that. Can be flavoured with cinnamon and a little honey…delicious!!

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